Monday, July 18, 2011

Etiquette of the Public Throne

I'm going to talk about public bathroom courtesy, and the lack thereof, in my office building. This might be awkward, but I feel strongly that these need to be addressed.

1) There are 15 stalls in the bathroom. I'm the only one in there and you walk in. Don't go in the stall next to me. There are 12 other available seats that are not my neighbor. Go in those. Are you worried you might run out of TP and you think I'm going to hand some to you under the stall?! I'm not.
2) The stall is not a place for you to hold your cell phone conversations. And yes,I will keep flushing my toilet until you shut your mouth or leave. Nobody likes to hear your conversations about how your child is a menace, while they are trying to do their business.
3) Flush the toilet. Do I really need to say this?
4) Wash your hands! Even if you don't normally, just pretend to while I'm standing there washing mine. I know who you are and you are now The Person Who Doesn't Wash Her Hands.
5) This is a public bathroom... if I'm at the mirror, put your tweezers away and stop plucking your cheek hair. (yes, there was a cheek hair situation)
6) I know it's a bathroom, but if you have to do #2, don't if I'm in there. It makes me very uncomfortable and then I end up trying to escape quickly and somehow I end up at the counter with you. AWKWARD. (although my friend CL introduced me to a book called Everybody Poops, I don't need to hear you doing it)
7) I don't know you, I've never seen you before, and now is not the time to start a conversation with me, as we walk into the bathroom together. And yes, it's very awkward that you are chatting with me whilst in the stall next to me. No one needs to hear my voice while I'm in a public bathroom. And I don't want to hear yours.
8) If you see someone walking out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to their foot, don't tell them. It's kind of funny.
9) If you are going to text or play games on your phone while in the stall, put the phone on silent. I don't want to know that you are playing angry birds... that lets me know you are going to be in there for awhile and I don't need to know that.
10) If the lock on the door isn't working, don't use that stall. Because then I'll walk in on you, and that's the worst of all.

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