Thursday, July 14, 2011

From Teacher to Designer

I'm thinking that all of that money that my parents spent on "testing for my future" really paid off. I was starting out as a freshman in college as a future teacher, when, in actuality, I was going for my M R S Degree. (husband hunting at my small baptist college is the number one major of young sorority girls) My parents must have known me better than I thought because half way through my first semester, my parents had me do all of the expensive and fancy testing just to see what I should be when I grew up! I thought it was ridiculous! How is some multiple choice test and visual awareness testing over 3 days going to determine my future?! well, it did. Sometimes parents are always right.

My top three "futures" included Photography, Fashion Design, and Interior Design. I said no to Photography because, in all honesty, I like being in front of the camera and not behind it. I said no to Fashion because I assumed I would have to sew and one time my grammy had me sew a teddy bear so I could learn the basics, and let's just say it was the saddest hot pink bear you'd ever seen.

So that left Interior Design. I knew nothing of that. I had no idea what it was. I figured, what the heck?! It sounded cool enough. I met with a high end architect that my dad knows and his first question was "Are you more interested in Commercial Design or Residential Design?" My response was "I don't mean to sound stupid, but I honestly don't know what those words mean." (looking back, I'm so embarrassed).

And so began my journey through design. I give you this background because I will be talking a lot about what I'll be doing this summer. Steven and I are moving into a house (YAY!!!) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE design. Especially when I get to be the boss and pick out things because I really have great taste. :) Vintage Modern is my "thang". Furniture design, paint coordination, color theme, color theory, etc... I love it all and mostly I love that people tell me how amazing I am just by picking out a certain palette of textiles. (duh, i know, but I still like to hear it!)

And so the journey of designing House of Palmer begins. I welcome you along so that, you too, may benefit from my ideas and creativity, and I might benefit from your praise of my awesomeness.

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